You know, he's the president who can actually pronounce "nuclear."
So, it is correct to add an 'un' tanween sign on the final r, but actually pronouncing it would be a hypercorrection.
This mother-in-law actually pronounced her name correctly.
If you say koh-koh instead, you're actually pronouncing the word cocou, which is the word for faeces.
Often, consonant conjuncts are not actually pronounced as would be implied by the pronunciation of the individual components.
If you listen carefully, Obama actually pronounces it "aksk."
President Bush described, though did not actually pronounce, another emerging term, cellulosic ethanol, in his State of the Union address.
And finally, please, please do not ask me to actually pronounce any of the Aztec names!
He did not actually pronounce the name; it was only a concept.
She should be thankful to be on a prime time show where people can actually pronounce her last name.