Perhaps most surprising, stocks in a few emerging markets actually outperformed those in the United States during the recent trauma.
In some cases, we learned to our surprise, the 80286 actually outperforms the 80386 chip.
But if you owned Time Warner stock for at least a decade, it has actually wildly outperformed both of those companies and Comcast.
The Ultra model actually outperforms the first GeForce 3 products in some cases, due to initial GeForce 3 cards having significantly lower fillrate.
According to those devastating studies, the average stock that has no analyst following it actually outperforms the average stock that does.
Finally, tech companies may actually outperform forecasts.
She also did very well in the eastern part of the state, actually outperforming Obama in that region.
What's more, seven of the 10 sectors actually outperformed the broad S.& P. 500 during these doldrums months.
Secondly, I should like to see the Commission give us some information as to why certain sectors of European industry actually outperform their counterparts in America and Japan.
But on the latest tests, those schools actually outperformed the others in the district.