In Anchorage, women actually outnumber men, according to the 2005 American Community Survey.
By this time, the Scottish fleet actually outnumbered the local one.
But the sentiment did not seem to slow down any of the journalists, who at times, several hours before Game 3, actually outnumbered waiting passengers.
It's because most of You guys, the generation born between 1980-1995, actually outnumbers the Baby Boomers.
In English country towns, if the public houses do not actually outnumber the inhabitants, they all do an excellent trade.
That means they probably actually outnumber us, at least slightly.
In the Army today, Guard and Reserve soldiers actually outnumber those in the regular force, 564,000 to 479,000.
With Sindawe we'll actually outnumber them.
Pessimists may not actually outnumber optimists, however, since the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Draft evasion is rampant, and if the current call-up goes as badly as some fear, officers might actually outnumber enlisted men.