Indeed, the Fed chairman, Mr. Greenspan, suggests the greater risk is that the war will actually lengthen and deepen the recession by curbing total demand.
"While it cuts down on the time that an operator is engaged with a customer, it actually lengthens the time spent on the phone for the caller."
"But in another we're actually lengthening it."
In addition, practitioners of hyperthermia therapy believe that suppressing a fever - by taking acetaminophen, for example - may actually lengthen a bout with the flu.
Two other mutations, P709fs929X and W867fsX931, lead to altered carboxy-termini, though they actually lengthen rather than truncate the protein.
If anything, tenure actually lengthened.
This actually lengthens the route of the A605, although those using the A605 and Peterborough Bypass towards Whittlesey will find it shorter.
In other words, ruminating about problems was presumed to be a form of memory rehearsal which was believed to actually lengthen the experience of depression.
This is not unlike the "unconditional surrender" the World War II Allies insisted on, which actually lengthened the war.
London, for instance, ran counter to the worldwide trend and actually lengthened its trading hours during that week.