If he actually kissed the prostitutes, he maintained, then the contacts would have been intimate.
Are you saying you actually kissed your son?
Miracle of miracles, he actually kissed her after they had chatted and danced for a few hours.
Kiss actually first appeared on 105.3FM, but moved to 105.5 some months later after they extended coverage.
Backstage, before the event, he actually kissed me for a photographer.
It wasn't like they actually kissed out of passion.
Then she laughed a warm, throaty laugh that was far older than her years, and she actually kissed me.
And the thought of Leo actually kissing her properly made her feel positively ill!
Jerry couldn't be sure, but he thought they actually kissed lightly before David trotted back down the steps to the car.
Jack actually kissed Varena, a quick light one on the forehead.