It's difficult to spot termite infestation because the insects do not actually inhabit the structures of a house - they only forage there.
It's expected at Council season, and if you're actually inhabiting the proper quarters, they'll have a harder time challenging your rights.
But the relief only applies while the dependant is actually inhabiting the property.
Rather than it being a character outside themselves, boys want to create a character and actually inhabit it.
And even so, the portions they actually inhabit we can be sure are artificially warmed into mildness.
By sweeping us into an alternative universe, it lets us see the world we actually inhabit from another perspective.
Indeed, the small rooms were so polished it seemed impossible that anyone actually inhabited them at all.
Users get the impression they are actually inhabiting the electronically generated landscapes they see.
Proud and stiff, they dominated the paintings without actually inhabiting them.
How many commanders actually inhabit a tent-or if they do, keep it austere and simple?