The amounts listed on the cigarette package, the Federal Trade Commission now concedes, bear little or no relation to what the smokers are actually ingesting.
It has to do with their very personal nature, with how eating, actually ingesting, something has always been an important and if you think about it risky activity.
It's quite safe, as long as a suit doesn't tear and someone actually ingests plutonium.
Grant believes Courtney may have mixed a large number of pills into Kurt's champagne so that when he took a drink, he was actually unknowingly ingesting large amounts of the drug, enough to kill him.
Whether it actually ingests mind or intelligence or it's after something else, it doesn't really matter; the effect is the same.
There are many possible explanations for this phenomenon, including placebo, fast tolerance-building, cross-tolerance with other compounds, differences between the salt and the freebase, differences in bio-availability between routes of ingestion, and an uncertainty of what users are actually ingesting.
His head was still throbbing dully, and despite the fact that his tongue felt like a huge lump of sandpaper and his stomach was rumbling, the thought of actually ingesting anything made his gorge rise.
We're not sure how many tablets you actually ingested along with your drink.
I did see him, though admittedly he was in that Santa cos how many tablets you actually ingested along with your drink.
The documents may need corroboration by insiders who know what the notations mean, and they may fall short of proving that an athlete actually ingested a banned substance that was prescribed.