It remains unclear whether or not she was ever actually infected with the virus.
In addition to helping screen blood, the test will allow investigators to learn for the first time how many people are actually infected.
With screening still fairly limited, officials estimate that the total number of Russians actually infected may have already reached one million.
But only about one-third - 1,500 to 2,000 each year - are actually infected.
He assumes he is seeing only a fraction of those who are actually infected.
He is actually infected by the zombie Fantastic Four.
The health authorities believe that 60 percent of the homosexuals here are actually infected.
In population B, only 100 of the 500 total people with a positive test result are actually infected.
According to the security vendor, the device, which runs Linux, is not actually infected with either virus-it's just hosting them.
A positive test result for a person who is actually not infected.