Traditional international law actually hinders the solution of environmental problems because it is created by nations to govern relations between them.
Whether it actually hindered my natural aging processes or suspended them completely I had not been able to determine over such a short time span.
Such laws could actually hinder innovation in those countries.
Little do they know that the device they believed would be beneficial to them is actually hindering their children's ability to learn.
"It would be tragic if, in her effort to help, she actually hindered your plan."
Prosecutors must reveal the dirty little secret they too often share only among themselves: The death penalty actually hinders the fight against crime.
"Though well- intentioned, putting kids on a pedestal at an early age can actually hinder their growth."
Too much information on the label may actually hinder the buyer when making a choice.
Because adolescents have much more experience in the world, their knowledge may actually hinder their eyewitness performance.
The suddenness and ambitiousness of the reform effort actually hindered its success.