Once he actually fainted in the mud and had to be carried back to the house and revived with cold water.
One of the old girls actually fainted.
Roeg portrays Christie as actually fainting, once arriving at the table following a trip to the toilet.
And Jimenez, our grandee from South America, would actually faint if you called him Raul.
If not actually fainting, she was very near it.
"Kids, this is absolutely terrific," Eddie said, and for a moment he thought Francine Tavery might actually faint.
Would you believe that a sizable number of them actually fainted?
(Toward the end of the 2 p.m. performance someone actually fainted from the heat near where she had been standing.)
There was a strange roaring in her ears, and she thought for a dreadful moment that she might actually faint.
Syncope, by contrast, is actually fainting.