There is no evidence, however, that the Lisbon consulate was actually established at that time.
In independent Bosnia, they managed to win the war championship in 1993, but never actually established themselves as a title winning team.
They had actually established in their minds that the Company's great background and tradition was, in fact, a drawback.
It was abandoned and no colony was actually established.
Only a small number of local telephone services were actually established.
But then some more serious disagreements arose, and Brogden argued that there had been no formal contract actually established.
Yet it was never clear from the lower court opinions, appended to the state's petition, that any judge had actually established such a requirement.
But the first political clubs were actually established in the late 1700's.
Before you take a decision have your actually established what your actual increased contribution will be: ?
You two should look hopeful and eager but say nothing until we are actually established and accepting invitations.