The 1960 election was the only election that saw unpledged electors actually elected to the electoral college.
"If we vote Hillary into office, we may find that we have actually elected her latest guru."
Washington should not ask a group of monarchs and autocrats to remove one of the few Arab officials who was actually elected to his post.
There is no firm evidence yet that the Fed has actually elected to cut interest rates.
While there was discussion regarding who would run for executive offices, only those approved by the revolutionary leadership were actually elected.
Daniel William Phillips (1864) was never actually elected pastor.
Let us also make another point, that none of the Commissioners are actually elected by the people.
Women gained the right to sit in parliament, although it was only slowly that women were actually elected.
It sounds hilarious, until one of these morons is actually elected, that is.
As any good student of civics knows, the President is not actually elected by the people.