McGinley has been criticized for providing readers with transient humor but not actually effecting any change.
Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement, and the means justified by actually effecting that end.
This thoughtful plan to "see the game prove worthy of our devotion" is offered with the implicit and sanguine hope that it could actually effect some change.
A barrage calculated to light up the sky over each Conflict zone- without actually effecting any damage.
I'm not happy to see Java go, but I can't imagine it will actually effect that many Mac users.
Only a fraction of these succeed in actually effecting change.
His "thoughtful plan . . . is offered with the implicit and sanguine hope that it could actually effect some change," Schwarz said here last year.
What emerges from this account of Shaw's political skirmishings is the question of whether his wars with the pen actually effected any change.
Another is whether the Kremlin can actually effect its will in these days of widespread governmental doubt and ineffectiveness.
Banks use the CHIPS or Fedwire system to actually effect the payment.