This is their letter, this is what they said: The bill from the Senate side will actually deter their efforts to deal with terrorism.
It hasn't worked in actually deterring crime, and it won't work for Massachusetts.
Some lawmakers called the new charter an improvement, but others said it would do little to guarantee a credible inquiry and could actually deter whistle-blowers.
Our current legal system actually deters some citizens from coming forward and reporting these potential dangers.
How much crime does it actually deter?
Several said the group has become less rowdy in the last decade, and a few said that its presence actually deters crime on their block.
Mr. Rapp said he was "not overly optimistic" that the law would actually deter people from committing serious crimes.
Longer prison sentences have removed some career criminals from the streets, though the threat of longer sentences may not actually deter crime.
But 207 marginal spaces, to use the authors' words, are poorly enough designed or maintained that they actually deter the public from using them.