As far as I know, no one was actually descending.
The Building itself actually descends three floors down.
During some days, we actually descended a league and a half, even two leagues towards the center of the earth.
"But did they actually descend bodily?"
Later, Baedecker remembered very little about actually descending the ladder and stepping off the LM footpad.
It actually descended from the sky?
The majority of cave-dwelling organisms actually descended from aboveground species, thousands or even millions of years ago.
However, because the vertical speed indicator lags the actual vertical speed, the pilot is actually descending at much less than 500 feet per minute.
I can't actually descend from my airship, kidnap BBC executives, and force them to blog or comment.
It has in the past been popularly claimed that some modern O'Donovans actually descend from this marriage, but this remains unverified.