Also, only a fraction of the particles brought onto a collision course actually collide.
Or perhaps it was done with astonishingly tight timing, so that the streams passed through each other without any of the constituent masses actually colliding.
Unfortunately, when the calculations were done, it was found that the force only became sufficient at about the same time that the stars actually collided.
Fortunately for them, none of the advisers actually collided with the king.
The daring of the project lies in focusing the particle beams so precisely that they actually collide.
So uncertainly did she go that she actually collided with the window frame.
Enough light trickled through the frames to keep him from actually colliding with anything.
The two men meet - actually collide, by one account.
The two universes will not actually collide.
The dervish apparently failed to notice the Greys till he actually collided with the sergeant.