However, this term was actually coined by Mitchell's friend Robley Dunglison from the Greek words for heat and for pain.
It was actually coined by a company that made deodorant for women called Odo-Ro-No in 1919, but Lifebuoy made the term famous.
This saying, commonly attributed to Mark Twain, was actually coined by an associate of his, Charles Dudley Warner.
The term was actually coined by Bismarck's liberal opposition but later accepted by Bismarck.
The term ylem was actually coined by Ralph Alpher.
'Formalist' was in fact a misnomer for this theoretical enterprise and the term was actually coined not by the group but by their opponents.
He created the role of theater director (regista was actually coined in 1929) in Italy all by himself.
It was on this album that the phrase Dirty South was actually coined, featured as a song title.
The term "Supermarionation" was not actually coined until during production of later episodes of Supercar.
Her character's nickname (Pip) was actually coined by her co-star Ben Browder.