Spock's eyebrow lifted, as he were actually calculating the odds she had just mentioned.
Could one actually calculate how long the wait would be by looking at an image?
Beyond a simple "yes or no" answer to rotation, one may actually calculate one's rotation.
He tried to put a large expression of sincerity on his face, but he was actually calculating the distance.
At one point, he actually calculated the metacycles (Standard as well as local) remaining before he would have a chance to see for himself.
The machine did not actually calculate the payout.
The figures that you were actually calculating, weren't you?
And people on Wall Street can actually calculate this value.
We have several technically sophisticated computers that actually calculate the "closest point of approach" between our ships.
Žerjavić actually first calculated 53,000, later brought up to 70,000 and eventually to 80,000.