And, he wonders: Does the scapegoating actually assist society by keeping people out of the work force?
In some areas, the dolphins may actually assist the fishermen by herding up the fish.
Far from acting as a buffer against Federalism, it will actually assist it.
Today many men actually assist in their babies' deliveries.
"If anyone would say that the police would actually assist people in killing, it's ludicrous," he said.
"What was possible is I could actually assist my wife in the move," he said.
And even if he doesn't actually assist in their suicides, he's certainly practicing medicine without being licensed to do so in Florida.
I am pleased that the Ombudsman, in his wisdom, does not turn them away, but actually assists them.
He appears a couple times more, and once or twice actually assists Youichi in whatever he's doing.
They did not actually assist in checking bags or running metal detectors, but stood nearby, watching.