The phrase originated prior to Nixon's actual visit to China.
I realized as I turned its pages that this was probably telling me more about the country and its people than my actual visit.
This had not happened during Kirk's actual visit to planet 892-IV.
She had thought it ridiculous, believing the actual visit would prove how silly her mother was being.
And it is not known how many of her actual visits, if any, were to see the President.
Not even any theoretical methods for doing so have been proposed, short of an actual physical visit by an astronaut or probe.
Both are considered second hand accounts rather than evidence of an actual visit.
Modifications from Griffin's plan of 1911 came about following his actual visit to the site and in order to reduce the amount of earthworks needed.
My doctor's appointment is generally scheduled for at least half an hour before my actual visit with the physician.
They are straightforward accounts of an actual visit by creatures that seem totally hostile to all organic life.