In fact, the actual turnout was 50 percent of those eligible, the lowest since 1924.
To the extent that electors did not use both their votes, the estimate will be less than the actual turnout.
Mr. Schädel said the actual turnout could range from 50,000 to 150,000 people.
His office reported that the actual turnout on Nov. 2 was about 70 percent.
Numerous sources debated on the size of the actual turnouts.
That is most unlikely, given the likelihood that the actual turnout may be modest.
Amendments (from 2010) to the constitution provide that referendums are valid regardless of actual turnout.
It was later estimated that the actual turnout in Croatia itself, without the diaspora, was 61%.
The impact on actual turnout, while harder to forecast, would probably also be significant, since roughly 8 registered voters in 10 go to the polls.
To the extent that electors did not use both their votes, the figure given will be an underestimate of actual turnout.