Therefore, he had released the actual thief with orders to leave Austin immediately and say nothing of what passed between them.
If Creelon can negotiate with the actual thief, he will buy the code intact.
They had passed with lightning speed from the hands of the actual thieves to a grimy shop in London.
He did not think that the boy was the actual thief and he hoped that the boy would not be punished.
While the actual thieves are to blame, the companies safeguarding these records should share responsibility, experts say.
But concluding that Mr. Hill's contact was not the actual thief, they expressed little interest.
"You see, Lord Cantlemere, we can no doubt frame a case against the actual thieves."
But international collectors bear as much responsibility for the crimes as the actual thieves: the high prices they offer create the incentive for criminals.
The actual thief had done all along what Pip had done in jest.
"We've had instances when the actual thief will call to see if something he's trying to sell has been reported stolen," said Ms. O'Brien.