The actual realizations of these two tones varies from dialect to dialect.
Although most dialects make this distinction, the actual realizations vary and are generally difficult for non-natives to distinguish.
The name-giving process is completed with (4) the actual phonetic realization on the morphonological level.
Between the time of diagnosis and the actual realisation that he was going to die, Maitland passed through a period of disbelief.
The actual realization of liaison, however, is subject to interacting syntactic, prosodic, and stylistic constraints.
The actual realization of the capitalised forms in the paradigm above depends on the initial sound of the following word, as explained in the following tables:
Those procedures seem to involve considerably more guesswork than actual realization of anything that could be construed as a coherent, nearly finished conception on Beethoven's part.
From the initial idea to the actual realization of the dialysis method, it was a very long way.
"Then, when it comes down to the actual realization of that goal, they - to use the president's term - crawfish."
As was said before, the idea is welcome, but its added value and actual realisation have yet to be thought through.