Not actual rape, but the effect is surprisingly similar.
In a number of cases this has included the posting of footage of actual rapes.
For the most part, each defendant described his culpability as secondary, while accusing others of the actual rape and beating of the woman.
Concerned that her rape fantasies are abnormal, she continues to share more and more stories, none involving an actual rape.
What was our response to the actual rape, torture and murder of four American church women in El Salvador?
There is no actual rape, of course, but there is betrayal and brutality.
But they're not usually accused of actual rape.
In regard to the actual rape, he knew not much more than we did, or, probably, the authorities did.
"The suffering and abuse endured by these women goes far beyond the actual rape," Amnesty said.
The court found that his involvement included hearing the others discussing the crime and lying to protect them, but not commission of the actual rape or murders.