Many serial numbers still unconfirmed so actual quantity is more than recorded here.
Before any actual quantity of the item is produced, however, a production line takes time to set up.
Sometimes, grammatical number will not represent the actual quantity.
The officials said that these were only what Iraq admitted to having produced, and that the actual quantity could be more.
You must record the actual quantities received on the Report of Receipt (see paragraph 8.2).
Blood and more blood, not much in actual quantity, but under the circumstances, a tsunami.
In actual quantity of training, that was just about ten per cent of the total.
The title may no longer relate to the actual quantity of crayfish consumed there, but rather, to the life that revolves around them.
Several historians note that the actual quantities of horse involved in pulling any one locomotive varied between 32 and 40.
The actual quantity of EU legislation must also be debated.