When one goes concert after concert, the actual playing of music becomes more of a pattern of motions than anything which needs to be concentrated on.
Had someone told me beforehand that my two days of tennis camp would consist of drills only, and no actual playing, I probably wouldn't have been pleased.
From the actual playing of the instruments to the engineering and mixing the songs at one of Sydney's largest recording studios in 1985 and 1986.
Unlike many disagreements within bands, it did not relate to Charman's actual playing and there was none of the usual 'musical differences'.
I would probably use the actual playing of golf as an excuse to get at the class aspect.
Power pop, and 'half-punk, half pop' is closer to the style of their actual playing.
Most filmmakers even blow the ultimate lay-up: they make the actual playing of the sport look boring.
The actual playing should be what matters.
Douglas stated, "The actual playing of the game is, unfortunately, a rather tiresome business."
This was done in order to allow players to care more about the actual playing and less about the details.