In 2004 came the actual excavation of the burial ground.
Material to construct the dam including aggregate will come from the actual excavation of the dam site along with three quarries in the area.
In 1983, Roberts decided to begin actual excavation at Boxgrove.
And rock dust had an insidious habit of permeating and clinging to objects well away from the actual excavation.
The actual excavations began in 1934, but some areas came to light only in the 1950s, particularly after 1954, when a flood disrupted the Amalfi Coast.
Even if the lot was built upon, sometimes the actual excavation damaged the adjacent foundation, he said.
Front for the actual excavations of the Alexandria Library being carried out by Sharp.
The actual excavation of the pits was done by 200 or 300 Russian prisoners of war.
The actual excavation began February 16, 1959.
For him every castle sets up a series of problems to be pondered and resolved before the actual excavation begins.