Not providing specific statements on actual errors.
Sure enough, 37 spots were marked with color, although only a few of them were actual errors.
All these inequalities bound only the residuals instead of the actual error, that is, the distance between the current iterate x and the exact solution.
This actual error is a complex function of the imaging system, image post- processing, and 3D calculation algorithm.
But he'd made only two actual errors that I'd documented-and even master chiefs are human.
Thus, they are better at locating likely errors, versus actual errors.
The actual errors of machine arithmetic are far too complicated to be studied directly, so instead, the following simple model is used.
In practice at sea, actual errors were somewhat larger.
Typically, the symptoms will appear in a portion of the program far removed from the actual error, making it difficult to track down the problem.
One is that there was an actual error.