A health care provider experienced in diagnosing and treating autism is usually needed to make the actual diagnosis.
These distinctions are necessarily very loose and easily blurred when actual diagnosis is attempted.
Is it the actual diagnosis, aspects of the treatment process, information given about recurrence, negative test results, or some other aspect of the cancer experience?
There is no scientific evidence supporting the concept of adrenal fatigue and it is not recognized as an actual diagnosis by the medical community.
Of course, it helps that the initial diagnosis was much graver than the actual diagnosis.
The tests used are high-sensitivity screening tests and no actual diagnosis is made.
It is a potential bias when there is a lag time from the first symptoms and start of treatment before actual diagnosis.
However, recent study suggest that testing may not correlate with any actual diagnosis.
The actual diagnosis and treatment is exactly the same.
She says she was amazed at the relief, and eventual transformation, an actual diagnosis sparked.