The same phenomenon has found its way into the scene shop, where the actual physical creation of scenery takes place.
The actual creation of the book may be placed between 698 and 800 based upon the style.
Apparently something on the island is vital to the actual creation of the Company, but what?
With the approach of the actual creation of the court, the administration has redoubled its efforts.
Many would credit Slednecks with the actual creation of the sport.
Despite Ms. Wilson's stated enthusiasm, many students said they think she and other administrators support the concept, but not the actual creation of a center.
In the latter part of her career, Clark focused more on art therapy and less on the actual creation of a work.
It was the one area that seemed to cause him discomfort, but he would, when the mood was right, discuss the actual creation of a work.
Any actual creation of viable product is incidental.
It includes product placement, sponsorship, naming rights and more recently the actual creation of whole shows from scratch.