Times have changed, and actual physical counting has long been abandoned.
"The actual counting should not take more than a day."
The actual counting had ended with the December 9 injunction issued by the same five-justice majority, three days before any deadline.
To use any method other than actual physical counting violates the rule of law our country has been built upon.
The spotters, who are doing the actual counting, are not themselves changing their bet size or strategy, so they are relatively inconspicuous.
The actual counting usually takes weeks.
Although the first card-counting systems were developed and published in statistical journals by mathematicians, the actual counting isn't that hard.
The actual counting was not scheduled to begin until last Friday to allow for the receipt of absentee ballots.
New York City needs 10,000 to 20,000 people to do the actual door-to-door counting.
The 2010 federal election cost a total of $7.68 per elector of which only a small proportion is the actual counting of votes.