The shows were released only a few hours after the actual concert took place.
But the actual concerts, at least for us critics, sounded too often staid and plain.
Unlike that release, which came out within a year of the actual concert, Mulennium was not released until 2010.
But it does sound a lot better than the actual inaugural concert two days earlier.
Additionally, many fans waiting outside mistook the band's sound check for the actual concert, and attempted to force their way inside.
The actual concert never took place because the riot ensued.
The program looked curiously slight on paper, but the actual concert had its charms.
At the actual concert the band played an encore song, "Ashes" (in the original key).
In one case, a photo of Ono rehearsing to an empty hall before the show was printed as if nobody had come to the actual concert.
Note: The bonus tracks are inserted according to the order of the setlist at the actual concert.