Like the uncertainty over the number of actual combatants, there is debate over the length of the battle.
Assailant Is Sought "I would say there were a dozen actual combatants," he said.
All support systems, if you will, for the actual combatants.
It caused more deaths proportionally to the number of actual combatants than any other war in modern history, and particularly devastated Paraguay, killing most of its male population.
The number of enlaces was much higher than that of actual combatants.
It has become fashionable, it seems, to reduce the Darfur catastrophe to an argument about the rights and wrongs of the actual combatants.
If the shirkers be eliminated, it is probable that there were not more than a thousand actual combatants upon the hill.
The UN reported that, in the first six months alone, 9,100-11,000 people had been killed during the insurgency, of which 2,470-3,500 were actual combatants and rest were civilians.
Many of the latest victims appear to be those with relatives in the Islamic movement rather than actual combatants or supporters.
Already snippets of a poem occurred to him, although it was not his place to compose one he was an observer and that honor was reserved for actual combatants.