With the many advertising executives being asked by the press to propose Presidential campaign commercials, one might wonder when they have time for their actual clients.
This is my first confrontation with actual clients, and I'm terrified.
"It was fantastic, working with actual clients, not just topics in law books."
The writer didn't give the facility's name, as he had been asked to stay discreet in the matters of location, actual clients, and security measures.
These were almost personal missions, undertaken on my own motivations or suggestions, without an actual client or revenue.
They ask me more questions about amenities than my actual clients.
This has caused confusion with some architectural historians as to the actual client.
An example could be the auditor directly giving a report to the bank that will be providing the loan for an actual client.
Touro offers a host of clinic opportunities which give students a chance to represent actual clients with real legal problems.
However these could all be changed and added to by the actual client with resorting to IT support.