It then took five days for the actual budget to be adopted.
But that figure could change from year to year as actual budgets are adopted.
The hospital's actual budget this year, according to its administrators, is actually $89.6 million.
The actual budget in the recent years actually reached $200,000 for the figure and its pedestal.
The actual budget of the film was US $132 million.
The actual military budget from 1936 to 1939 increased many times over.
Some spending bills, which make up the actual budget, are already in print.
The disarray was so complete that Congress for the first time since 1974 failed to pass an actual budget.
The information contained in the actual budget is absolutely inadequate and these lists of numbers are actually no use to us at all.
"You have to understand that the actual budget for all Ukraine isn't more than $8 billion."