There is also no reference to actual availability: so even if the demand for accommodation below the 30% level in an area exceeds supply, the cap still applies.
He describes it as imposed as a quite explicit deterrent without reference to the actual availability of work.
Preliminary research however indicates that the actual availability of land is limited by a combination of valuation, ownership, physical and planning constraints.
It is treated as if it had never been published and is never to be used, regardless of actual availability.
There is no consideration of the current system load of the allocated machine, and hence its actual availability.
The promotion of exorbitant fashion that occurred in the Stalin era, and the contrast to actual availability, had led to public resentment.
Items may be offered in advance of their actual availability.
The exorbitant prices may limit their actual availability to a very few women, but their influence on general fashion is undeniably far-flung.
This is often the case when a product is announced too long before its actual availability.
I meant that it's entirely evident to me that you have no intention of considering the actual availability of the officers I've requested.