Whether the actual audience for such cards proves to be combat-curious children or adult collectors remains to be seen.
In general, though, the critical response does not appear to have dampened the buoyant passion of actual audiences.
The actual audience, with the guidebooks, they know a little bit what to expect.
The implied audience is not the actual audience, but the one that can be inferred by reading or analyzing the text.
Students conduct research activities and creating products or providing services that have impact on actual audience.
Some of the more common reasons for a community of license to be listed as a point far from the actual audience include:
The audience, potential and actual, for television was considerably smaller.
The worldwide audience has grown substantially to a potential 170 million viewers from 72 countries, although the actual audience is likely to be around 30 million.
"That was the first time I sang in front of an actual paying audience."
(The Times's actual audience is much bigger than ever.)