While actual activity is the same for both groups the two do not share the same psychology.
All right, let's put the engineered crisis scenario on hold until we have some evidence of actual activities to guide us.
You do in fact know nothing about the actual activity of the Aras.
Her understanding of the actual activity of writing is precarious.
Whatever the actual activity, it was sexual contact between a married President and a subordinate not much older than his daughter.
None of the films the majority mentioned depicted children engaged in actual sexual activity.
Since these are police figures they are just as likely to reflect enforcement rather than actual activity.
The actual activities however are common to most human cultures around the globe for several millennia.
In 1970 he started his actual artistic activities on the country level with a series of personal, group, and official exhibitions.
On a real project, the actual activities that will be done in the context of a process must be shown to support the objectives.