By the time his only son was born in 1959, he had begun an affair with Jeffrey Bernard's actress wife, Jackie.
Keller spends money like water for the best talent on the stage to support his actress wife and hide her shortcomings.
We wish him, his actress wife Anne Lennan and their little daughter Anna, every success.
He's just separated from his actress wife, Rita Gam.
His extravagant lifestyle and the retirement from the stage of his actress wife, Minna, meant that he ran up huge debts.
He lives in Melbourne with his actress wife Rebekah Stone and their two children.
Attal plays a journalist who becomes obsessively jealous when his actress wife gets a part in a movie with an attractive co-star.
He began his working career as a journalist before becoming an actor at the urging of his actress wife, Louise Basler.
He had taken cunning advantage of the absence of his actress wife.