The actress later revealed she would be willing to return to the soap in the future.
In a 2004 interview, the 54-year-old actress of Terminator fame revealed that she had been living with bipolar disorder for more than 20 years.
The actress revealed, "Marianne is the embodiment of youth and hope.
In 2012, the actress revealed to be an atheist.
The actress revealed that Leanne is fun to play and so different to her.
The actress revealed she found getting back into the "swing of acting" a tough challenge and she was dissatisfied with her early performance.
"I shouldn't be saying this, but he was kind of a brat," the actress revealed to radio station Europe 1 in May.
On May 16, 2013, the actress revealed she was pregnant with her 1st child, due in June.
"I went up a pants size during my pregnancy," reveals the 40-year-old actress.
The actress revealed she had received positive reactions about the storyline from viewers.