The actress toured the show at colleges and universities and later brought it back to Broadway.
The actress brings harsh, unsparing intelligence to an unimaginatively written role.
When the playwright was unavailable to revise the work for its second production, the actress brought in Mr. Caldwell.
Taylor also worked with Williams during the design process and she explained the actress would bring picture references for her.
Rivalry is inevitable, and the two actresses bring great gusto to their weekly smackdowns, such as last month's ferocious campaign for student body president.
An actress, Katy Dierlan, brought more than 500 pounds and a feminist rap to her role as fat lady.
The actress took part in the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and clearly brings urgency to this role.
A gifted actress, Ms. Lemper brings more than vocal talent to her performances.
In June 1924 the actress brought a $100,000 breach of contract suit against White for allegedly promising to star her in four motion pictures.
Instead, the actresses bring an immense wealth of ironic understanding, and an acceptance of life as it is, to the simplest observations.