The actor recalls his life as poor immigrant's son, waiter, film star, father and man.
If the character is feeling shame, the actor might recall a humiliation in her own past that occurred in high school.
One actor recalled that "all he thought about was Italian food."
Puffing on a cigarette, the actor recalled the reaction among women friends who read the script.
"They couldn't get anybody to do the reading," the 47-year-old actor recalled recently.
The actor recalled meeting Coward in London during the 1960's.
"Lelouch would talk to me as if I were a boxer about to enter the ring," the 62-year-old actor recalled.
"We had to find a new psychology," the actor recalls.
"People are going to look at you and assume you're not as good," the actor recalled his mother saying.
"He used to smear all sorts of oils and herbs on it," the actor recalled.