Leafletting and carrying signs are activities protected by the first ammendment, but they've arrested these people.
Prohibit, by law, the investigation of Americans because of their beliefs or associations or activities protected by the First Amendment.
Is scientific research among the expressive activities protected by the First Amendment?
Van Riper aggressively prosecuted unlawful activities protected by the Hague organization.
Civil libertarians are hoping a second ruling in Illinois will help cement the principle that audio recording is an activity protected by the First Amendment.
He said the F.B.I. surveillance had found only peaceful activities protected by the First Amendment.
Let's be clear about that: lobbying Congress and the executive branch is activity protected by the First Amendment.
The Farmer board also ruled that strikes were the only activity protected by the NLRA.
Commercial expression is recognized as an activity protected under section 2(b).
The case went to a Federal appeals court, which said that selling art is also an activity protected by the First Amendment.