These activities frequently inspire people to become outdoor enthusiasts who look for the next adventure sport to try.
The potential activity of Nemrut and the close proximity of several Turkish cities inspired recent in-depth studies.
This recent immense activity inspires hope of new breakthroughs in structural controllability of complex networks.
This activity inspired the name Dead Horse Bay for the still extant water body on the western shore.
All this activity inspired the men to establish a true headquarters.
The activities of this collective inspire much of the movie's looser, plot-free moments.
Also in 1917, this same troop made the news because their activities inspired the creation of a new troop in Centerville, Montana.
Like the block cities, these activities inspire the study of related academic subjects.
The memory groups' activities inspired a national lobby for a reckoning with Spain's past.
The ships' activities inspired the name Vũng Tàu, which means "anchorage".