Immanuel's varied scientific activity corresponded with his wide scholarship, though he confined his activity exclusively to Jewish subjects.
The activity of the former corresponds to the element of variety in a beautiful object, that of the latter with its unity.
One such arbitrary and phony excuse is that the subjects and activities of the non-Christian clubs correspond to the school's curriculum.
Cultural activities such as visiting museums, art galleries and theaters corresponds to 11%, and business travel corresponds to 17%.
The specific human condition to which the activity of work corresponds is the world.
Even further up the hierarchy, activity corresponds to the presence of specific objects - and then to behaviours of these objects.
In all these respects his activities correspond to those that the individuals running the Quilliam Foundation today hold up as evidence of extremism.
The scientific-research activities, which are conducted in the laboratories of the Faculty, correspond to the present demands of the field both scientifically and technically.
The activities of the Silver Paladin did not correspond with the profile of a criminal.
In this approach, each activity in a system corresponds to a separate process, where a process is typically simulated by a thread in the simulation program.