Songpa will be allocating Native tutors in every primary school by 2010 and specially supporting 19 schools (12 primary, and 7 secondary schools) by backing "After-School English Teacher" that would take charge of after-school, supplementary lessons and special activity classes.
They proposed a data mining approach based on discriminative patterns which describe significant changes between any two activity classes of data to recognize sequential, interleaved and concurrent activities in a unified solution.
In addition students of class 4-8 also attend the activity classes within the school hours.
Students also have the option of participating in physical activity classes or study halls during this shorter elective period.
Cadets can also take elective physical activity classes such as scuba, rock climbing, and aerobic fitness.
The Pima Community College Community campus was opened in 1975 to meet non-traditional educational needs, including distance learning, non-degree activity classes, and adult education.
Each TEP teacher must develop and lead one of these extra-curricular activity classes.
The selection of activity classes includes French Cuisine, Fencing, Archery, Ceramics, Theatre, Photography, Kayaking, Sailing, Art, Rock Climbing, Canoeing, Swimming (in the heated pool), Snorkeling, "Journal" - yearbook, and Marine Biology.
Schedule: Campers spend half the day in theatre classes and the other half in activity classes of their own choosing.
From largest to smallest, Nebraska high school activity classes are: