Gazprom's activities accounted for 8% of Russia's gross domestic product in 2011.
But these explanations did not always hold - only solar activity accounted consistently for the facts.
Together, these activities account for nearly two-thirds of Canada's greenhouse gases.
Such activities, however, only accounted for about half the economic activity of the Cree communities in 1970 and less than 20% by the late 1990s.
Industrial activity accounted for 5% of the working population, or 3,340 workers employed over 360 businesses.
This activity, or a yeast infection, might account for the swelling.
Those activities still account for only a small share of total revenue and are not big enough to offset the losses from traditional advertisers.
Corporate activities account for half the 10-person agency's revenues.
Agriculture and its allied activities account for 49% of the state's income.
Enforcement and related activities account for roughly half the agency's budget.