Political activists report dozens of arrests and beatings.
In response to denials, several journalists and activists who were detained in the prisons, reported their own personal experience.
Crimean Tatar activists have reported this figure to be nearly 46%.
On 14 February, activists reported that security forces heavily shelled the southern town of Taybeh.
Although there are gains on removing discrimination, activists report that outside of the government and administrative areas, discrimination is still ongoing.
However, other activists reported another version of the killings, saying that the victims were Alawites, from the same sect as the president.
An activist in the area also reported a helicopter was downed.
By 13 August 2011, anti-government activists reported that at least 89 people were killed in the city and its hinterland.
The death toll rose to 70 people as fighting continued into 15 November, activists reported.
Nobody believed him, and activists reported that protesters were still being shot in demonstrations across the country.