Jorge Cortell is an activist and commentator known for his opposition to the concept of Intellectual Property.
But his wife, Barbara, a Philadelphia-born philanthropist and political activist known as Bobbie, wanted to live in Midtown.
He was a strong political activist and known for his left-leaning views.
His u-shadow told him the Riasi metropolitan police had just received an alert that two political activists known to be aggressive had been seen in the city.
Kyp Harness (born December 9, 1964) is a Canadian social activist and folk singer, known for the poetry of his lyrics.
Stephen Spiro (1939-2007) was a political activist known for his opposition against the Vietnam War and his advocacy of a consistent life ethic.
Vidyaben Shah is a leading social activist known for her work with children, women and the elderly in India since the 1940s.
Meanwhile, a group of activists known as the "Earth Protectors" have been giving out CDs about the environment to Scott's classmates.
He is a prominent activist working on behalf of India's Dalits, also known as untouchables.