Conservative activists have alleged that colleges quietly use illegal quotas and have launched numerous lawsuits to stop them.
The activists felt the essay was offensive, and alleged that Prof. Upinder Singh was responsible for its inclusion in a list of recommended readings for the BA programme in history.
Protestors and activists allege some of the following as further tactics belonging to the Miami model:
Friends and local activists strongly allege that Li was "suicided" (被自殺), and formed a 'Committee in quest of the truth about Li's death'.
In May 1968, anti-nuclear activists alleged that Swordfish had released radioactive coolant water into the harbor of Sasebo, Japan where she was moored at the time.
Jaslyk Prison is a detention facility in Karakalpakstan in north-west Uzbekistan where human rights activists and ex-inmates allege that torture is widespread.
But the hunt was stopped after activists alleged that the council had not done enough research.
While being held in Store Street Garda station the activists alleged that they were kicked and beaten by Gardaí.
In Damascus, activists alleged 8 soldiers were executed after refusing to fire on unarmed demonstrators.